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Reschenk von Nikola Antolkovic



reschenk isch inspiriert vo de japanische fuorhiski und bütet e ressourceschonendi alternative zum gschänkpapier. d gschänktüecher werdet zum verpacke vo gschänk benutzt und fürs wiiterverschänke verwändet. so wanderets vo person zu person und mit es bitz glück chömmets wieder zrugg.

für die reschenk gschänktüecher isch stoff us emne zürcher secondhand lade gholt und vo hand gsiebdruckt worde. debi isch wiitestgehend restfarb brucht worde. mit reschenk leistet jedes gschänk so siin biitrag zum zero waste.



reschenk is inspired by japanese furoshiki and offers a resource-saving alternative to single use wrapping paper. the wrapping cloths can be used for any kind of gift and are meant to be reused many times. this way, they will wander from person to person and perhaps, with a pinch of luck, find their way back to you.

for the reschenk wrapping cloths are made of secondhand fabric from a thrift shop based in Zurich and screen printed by hand. In order to further reduce waste, the printing ink used is mostly recycled. with reschenk every gift makes a contribution to zero waste.